Who's Your Good Shepherd? Children's Sermon from John 10:11-18 - Ministry-To-Children (2024)

by Kristin Highley

Who's Your Good Shepherd? Children's Sermon from John 10:11-18 - Ministry-To-Children (1)

This message reminds students that God loves and cares for us, and that He protects us at all times. Just as a shepherd watches out for the needs of the lambs and sees that they have what they need, God provides for us. Jesus gave His life for His sheep, willing to sacrifice for those He loves. The Bible uses many beautiful reminders of this shepherd analogy, and explaining those passages helps children understand and appreciate the marvelous love of the Lord.

Message NotesDownload

Law/Gospel Theme: Jesus laid His life down for us, giving us new and lasting life. We can proclaim with David that we “fear no evil” knowing God is with us. He protects and provides for us through all circ*mstances, and nothing is required of us to receive that blessing.

Optional Materials: Shepherd’s staff, sheep toys or pictures of sheep

Bible Passage: John 10:11-18; Psalm 23:1-4

Message: Decide how creative and “sheepish” you’d like to get in communicating your message…

More Teaching Ideas:

The Good Shepherd Children’s Sermon on John 10:11-18

Greet the children, perhaps holding a shepherd’s staff and/or sheep toy…

Hello, children of God! Do you know any shepherds? (Allow responses, likely in the negative)

Well, do you know what a shepherd does? What is the job of a shepherd? That’s right, a shepherd takes care of sheep! A shepherd is in charge of guiding a flock of sheep and making sure they stay safe and healthy. He (or she) finds good grass for the sheep to eat, and water for them to drink. He finds places for the sheep to sleep, and guards them at night so wild predators can’t come and attack. If needed, a shepherd fights off bears or wolves or lions to keep the sheep safe. See, sheep aren’t really too smart. If left alone, they might wind up just wandering around without purpose. They’d get lost without the shepherd. The sheep know who their shepherd is, though. They recognize his voice and understand that they need to stay near to be cared for.

Now, you might think you don’t know any shepherds. But actually, you do. You know the greatest shepherd of them all: Jesus! The Bible actually refers to sheep and shepherds a lot. In fact, there’s a beautiful Psalm that describes how the Lord is a shepherd. It was written by David, who was a shepherd before he became king. He knew his sheep! He talked about how God cares for us, taking us to water and food. We don’t need to be afraid when He’s near, because He will protect us just like a shepherd. And Jesus Himself said that He was a good shepherd. He knows and loves us like a shepherd knows his sheep. He laid down His life for our sake, giving up everything to protect and save us.

We are sort of like those sheep. On our own, we can’t really do much! We might try to make it on our own, apart from God, but we wind up stumbling around and getting lost. We need our Good Shepherd to lead us and care for us. Like a sheep follows its shepherd, we should want to follow Jesus. We can do that by reading His word, praying, and seeking to understand what He wants of us. It might sound rough to call ourselves “sheep”, but with a truly good shepherd, anything is possible! God does it all, caring for us and providing for us every step of the way!

Why don’t we offer a prayer of thanks to our Good Shepherd?


(Have kids repeat each line)
Dear God,
You are the good shepherd
Thank you for taking care of us
Thank you for providing for us and protecting us
Help us to follow you
Thank you for your love
We love you, God!
In Jesus’s name, Amen!

Bible Verses/story to Reference:

I am the good shepherd. The good shepherdlays down his life for the sheep.12He who isa hired hand and not a shepherd, who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming andleaves the sheep and flees, and the wolf snatches them andscatters them.13He flees becausehe is a hired hand andcares nothing for the sheep.14I am the good shepherd.I know my own andmy own know me,15just as the Father knows me and I know the Father; andI lay down my life for the sheep.16AndI have other sheep that are not of this fold.I must bring them also, andthey will listen to my voice. So there will beone flock,one shepherd.17For this reason the Father loves me,becauseI lay down my life that I may take it up again.18No one takes it from me, butI lay it downof my own accord. I have authority to lay it down, andI have authority to take it up again.This charge I have received from my Father.” -John 10:11-18

TheLordis myshepherd; I shall notwant.
2He makes me lie down in greenpastures. He leads me beside still waters.
3Herestores my soul. Heleads me inpaths of righteousness
for hisname’s sake. 4Even though Iwalk through the valley ofthe shadow of death,
I willfear no evil, foryou are with me;yourrod and your staff, they comfort me. -Psalm 23:1-4

  1. Children's Sermon on Jesus Healing the Blind Man (John 9:1-42)
  2. Faith Object Lesson on Doubting Thomas (John 20:19-31)
  3. Children’s Sermon: Jesus is the Way (John 14:1-14)
  4. Children’s Sermon: In the World, but Unique (John 17:1-11) Bible Object Lesson
  5. Jesus is the Real Thing! (John 15:9-17) Children’s Sermon
  6. New Year, New Life in Christ – Children’s Sermon from John 1:10-18

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Who's Your Good Shepherd? Children's Sermon from John 10:11-18 - Ministry-To-Children (2024)


What is the lesson of the Good Shepherd for kids? ›

In this Bible based Sunday school lesson, children will discover that Jesus is the Good Shepherd and they are His sheep. They will also learn that they can depend on Jesus to watch over them, guide them, care for them, and keep them safe.

What does John 10 11 18 mean for kids? ›

Children's Sermon from John 10:11-18. This message reminds students that God loves and cares for us, and that He protects us at all times. Just as a shepherd watches out for the needs of the lambs and sees that they have what they need, God provides for us.

What is the children's message about shepherds? ›

Here's what Jesus said in the Bible: "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for His sheep (Pause for “baaa”). A hired hand will run away when he sees a wolf (Pause for “howl”) coming, because the sheep (Pause for “baaa”) don't belong to him, and he doesn't really care about them.

What is the main message of the parable of the Good Shepherd? ›

The message of this parable is that Jesus is the true shepherd. He is the Good Shepherd who was willing to die for those who put their faith in Him.

What does the Good Shepherd symbolize? ›

The answer is simple. Jesus Christ, as the Good Shepherd, appears as the guide, the protector, the healer and shepherd of his sheep, who need spiritual food, healing, care and mercy. Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd, finds joy in seeing the weak and suffering sheep to find their way towards spiritual healing.

What is the message of the Good Shepherd? ›

Through this beautiful word picture, Jesus reveals that He alone is the door of salvation and the Good Shepherd who, as God enfleshed, tends His flock by dying to deliver it. He knows His own. He loves them. And those who are truly His—given to Him by the Father—know His voice and find security in His flock.

What is the importance of good shepherd in John 10-11-16? ›

Whenever Jesus uses the pastoral image of a shepherd for himself, the point is nearly always the same: as the good shepherd of his sheep, he will risk his life and even temporarily abandon the flock if that's what it takes to save the one lost sheep.

What does the Lord is my shepherd mean for kids? ›

We often ask ourselves, "Who can I trust?" The answer is, "Jesus." The Bible tells us that Jesus is "The Good Shepherd" and we are his sheep. Just like David, we can say, "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want." We can trust him in every situation. Dear Jesus, you are the Good Shepherd and we are your sheep.

What is preaching on John 10 11 18? ›

There is a difference between a good shepherd and someone who is merely paid to look after the sheep. As the gospel reading makes clear: the good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep, whereas the hired hand, who does not own the sheep, does not look after them when danger threatens.

What does it mean to shepherd children? ›

Shepherding conveys a parent's authority over their children and responsibility to seek their good and growth. Shepherding addresses behaviors but it also shapes a child's heart through love that's both gentle and firm. Here are seven ways parents can apply shepherding imagery from the Bible.[1]

What lesson do you learn from the shepherd? ›

As the good shepherd He always has your best in mind. The shepherds teach us that Jesus invites all to come to him. He invites those who are poor, uneducated, despised, and outcasts like the shepherds.

Who is the Good Shepherd Bible verse for kids? ›

God, your shepherd, knows everything about you. He loves you just the way you are, bad things and all. He knows when you are sad, happy or lonely. The Bible tells us (Open your Bible and read the verse) in John 10:14, " I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me."

What are the 7 characteristics of a good shepherd? ›

8 Qualities of Shepherd-Leaders
  • Boundaries. As I've written elsewhere, every relationship is defined and preserved by boundaries. ...
  • Example. The shepherd “goes on ahead of [the sheep], and his sheep follow him” (10:3-4). ...
  • Trustworthy. ...
  • Provision. ...
  • Sacrificial. ...
  • Invested. ...
  • Relational. ...
  • Visionary.
Apr 19, 2022

What does the story of the Good Shepherd teach us? ›

A good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep” (John 10:11). Unlike a hired hand who flees to save his life, Jesus saved his flock from the wolf even though it meant sacrificing his own life. The parable Jesus told about the lost sheep is a story about Jesus' concern and care for us sinners.

Why did God chose the shepherds sermon? ›

Well, I believe one reason our Heavenly Father intentionally chose the shepherds—was because He wanted to let it be known that His love is all-inclusive. He wanted everyone who would hear this story to realize that He loves all people. God wanted to make sure we know that He is not a respecter of persons.

What is the moral of the story the shepherd's? ›

The message in the story is that wisdom, humility and honesty are attributes to great ethical behavior and a person who possesses them is bound to be recognized for them in life, sooner or later.

What are the lessons from Jesus the Good Shepherd? ›

For instance, in today's Gospel passage, Jesus describes Himself as the Good Shepherd who lays down His life for His sheep. In today's Psalm, Jesus is the Good Shepherd because, without Him, everything falls apart; He is the stone rejected by the builders but has become the cornerstone.

What is the lesson of David the shepherd? ›

This is a lesson about community.

he is obedient and loving to his father. David demonstrates his character in the way he behaves to his family. We also are called to be loving and obedient to our family. “David, in the freshness of boyhood, kept watch of his flocks as they grazed on the hills surrounding Bethlehem.

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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Name: Margart Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.